Consent to data processing to carry out the application procedure

Ich beauftrage die Actief Personalmanagement GmbH, Bahnhofplatz 12, D-76137 Karlsruhe (ACTIEF) mich bei meiner Bewerbung für eine Arbeitsstelle zu unterstützen. In diesem Zusammenhang erkläre ich meine ausdrückliche Einwilligung in die folgende Datenerhebung und Datenverarbeitung durch ACTIEF:

  • Data collection and data processing for the purpose of supporting and carrying out my application process, as well as carrying out and processing the obligations resulting from the employment relationship.
  • Transmission of my application documents and personal data together with a passport photo, as well as any other images or videos of myself (insofar as these serve as a reference) to a recruiting software for the purpose of application and placement of an open position and processing by this software.
  • Transmission of my application documents and personal data together with my passport photo, as well as any other images or videos of myself (insofar as these serve as a reference) to potential employers for the purpose of application and placement of an open position and processing by them.

I have taken note of the information on data protection, which describes the scope, purpose and extent of data processing and explains my rights.

Ich weiß, dass ich die erteilten Einwilligungen jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen kann.